Score de Harvey-Bradshaw

Nome do doente :

General well-being
Abdominal pain
Number of liquid or soft stools per day (yesterday)
Abdominal mass
Complications Arthralgia
Erythema nodosum
Aphthous ulcers
Pyoderma gangrenosum
Anal fissure
New fistula

Harvey RF, Bradshaw JM. Lancet 1980; 1: 514.

PDAI (Perianal disease activity index)

Nome do doente :

Pain / restriction of activities
Restriction of sexual activity
Type of perianal disease
Degree of induration

Irvine EJ. J Clin Gastroenterol 1995; 20: 27–32.

CDEIS (Crohn’s disease endoscopic index of severity)

Nome do doente :

Rectum Sigmoid and left colon Transverse colon Right colon Ileum Total
Deep ulcerations (12 if present)
Superficial ulcerations (6 if present)
Surface involved by disease (cm)
Surface involved by ulcerations (cm)
If an ulcerated stenosis is present anywhere add 3
If a nonulcerated stenosis is present anywhere add 3

Mary JY, Modigliani R. Gut 1989; 30(7): 983–9.

SES-CD (Simple endoscopic score for Crohn’s disease)

Nome do doente :

Ileum Right colon Transverse colon Left colon Rectum
Presence of ulcers
Ulcerated surface
Affected surface
Presence of narrowings

Daperno M, Van Assche G, Bulois P, et al. Gastroenterology 2002; 122: A216.

Score de Mayo

Nome do doente :

Stool Frequency
Rectal Bleeding
Endoscopic findings
Physician's Global Assessment

Schroeder KW, Tremaine WJ, Ilstrup DM. N Engl J Med1987; 317(26):1625-9

Short Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire

Nome do doente :

How often has the feeling of fatigue or of being tired and worn out been a problem for you during the last 2 weeks? Please indicate how often the feeling of fatigue or tiredness has been a problem for you during the last 2 weeks by picking one option from
How often during the last 2 weeks have you had to delay or cancel a social engagement because of your bowel problem? Please choose an option from
How much difficulty have you had, as a result of your bowel problem, doing leisure or sports activities you would have liked to have done during the last 2 weeks? Please choose an option from
How often during the last 2 weeks have you been troubled by pain in the abdomen? Please choose an option from
How often during the last 2 weeks have you felt depressed or discouraged? Please choose an option from
Overall, in the last 2 weeks, how much of a problem have you had with passing large amounts of gas? Please choose an option from
Overall, in the last 2 weeks, how much of a problem have you had maintaining or getting to the weight you would like to be? Please choose an option from
How often during the last 2 weeks have you felt relaxed and free of tension? Please choose an option from
How much of the time during the last 2 weeks have you been troubled by a feeling of having to go to the bathroom even though your bowels were empty? Please choose an option from
How much of the time during the last 2 weeks have you felt angry as a result of your bowel problem? Please choose an option from

Am J Gastroenterol 1996 Aug;91(8):1571-8 Irvine EI, Zhou Q, Thompson AK.

UCEIS (Ulcerative Colitis Endoscopic Index of Severity)

Nome do doente :

Vascular pattern
Mucosal erythema
Mucosal surface (Granularity)
Mucosal oedema
Incidental friability
Contact friability
Erosions and ulcers
Extent of erosions or ulcers

Travis SP. BMJ Journals; 2012 Apr;61(4):535-42.

PUCAI (Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis Activity Index)

Nome do doente :

Abdominal pain
Rectal bleeding
Stool consistency of most stools
Number of stools per 24 hours
Nocturnal stools (any episode causing wakening)
Activity level

Appraisal of the pediatric ulcerative colitis activity index (PUCAI). Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2009 Aug;15(8):1218-23

CDAI (Crohn's Disease Activity Index)

Nome do doente :

1. Number of liquid or very soft stools in one week Input Total For One Week
2. Sum of seven daily abdominal pain ratings:
(0=none, 1=mild, 2=moderate, 3=severe)
Sum of seven daily ratings of general well-being:
(0=well, 1=slightly below par, 2=poor, 3=very poor, 4=terrible)
4. Symptoms or findings presumed related to Crohn's disease
Select each set corresponding to patient's symptoms:
arthritis or arthralgia
iritis or uveitis
erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, apththous stomatitis
anal fissure, fistula or perirectal abscess
other bowel-related fistula
febrile (fever) episode over 100 degrees during past week
5. Taking Lomotil or opiates for diarrhea
6. Abnormal mass
0=none; 0.4=questionable; 1=present
7. Hematocrit [ (Typical - Current) x 6 ]
Normal average: For Male = 47 For Female = 42
VIP: Skip this section if typical and current are unknown.
Male Female
Typical Current
8. 100 x [(standard weight-actual body weight) / standard weight]
Recommendation: Skip this section unless weight 'changes related' to crohn's are known!
The purpose is to check for weight change = change in conditions. For example: Weight loss such as that caused by dehydration.
Standard Weight
Actual Weight

"Natural Approach to Inflammatory Bowel Disease," American Journal of Natural Medicine, July/Aug 1997, referring to the index developed as a monitoring tool in the National Cooperative Crohn's Disease Study (Best WR, et al., "Development of a Crohn's disease activity index." Gastroenterology 70:439-444, 1976.

Rutgeerts score for postoperative recurrence of Crohn’s disease in the distal ileum

Endoscopic findings Score
No aphthous ulcers0
Less than five aphthous ulcers1
More than five aphthous lesions with normal intervening mucosa, skip areas of larger lesions or lesions confined to ileocolonic anastomosis (ie, less than 1 cm in length)2
Diffuse aphthous ileitis with diffusely inflamed mucosa3
Diffuse inflammation with larger ulcers, nodules and/or narrowing4